Bloom follows the life of Sierra Schlag as she navigates the world after losing her father on 9/11. As Sierra matures, she explores her grief and identity as a Japanese-American and finds herself under the cloak of depression. While she navigates these complexities, Sierra finds a way to connect with her dad and heal through skiing.
“Grow forward towards the light to bloom.”
Bloom premiered at evo Salt Lake and evo Denver with a huge turnout of supportersgathered to meet Sierra and attend a free ladies wax clinic.
evo, Picture Organic Clothing, Atomic, and Aspen Snowmass
@evo, @pictureorganicclothing, @atomicskis, @aspensnowmass
Directed and Edited by: Kyle Hilken: @lyle_milken
Produced by: Sierra Schlag: @_schlag_
Cinematography by: Kyle Hilken and Jack Elder: @lyle_milken and @jackleope
Sound Design and Mastering by: Mateo Schimpf: @mahtehoh
Still Photography by: Kyle Hilken, Jack Elder and Drew Clark: @lyle_milken, @jackleope, and @drwclrk