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10x Brighter Futures

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Celebrating All Together Skatepark's 10 Year Anniversary

Tucked beneath evo's Fremont flagship store in Seattle, All Together Skatepark (ATS) serves not only as a haven for skaters but also as a force for youth empowerment. Since its establishment in 2013 as the heir to Inner Space, Seattle's last indoor skatepark, ATS has enriched the lives of thousands of young people.

“We help people build better futures by overcoming fears, failing and repeating and sharing their experience with others.”
Marshall Reid
ATS General Manager

Empowering Future Skaters

The Community Skater Program

As ATS rolls into its 10th year, we’re proud to introduce the Community Skater Program. This program amplifies our ongoing commitment to make skateboarding accessible to all, particularly for young people who might find cost a barrier to entry.

We believe skateboarding transcends being just a sport; it's a community, a platform for self-expression, and a pathway to resilience and self-confidence. The Community Skater Program is an extension of this belief, aimed at providing a means for young skaters to learn and grow, irrespective of their financial circumstances.

The initiative is simple yet impactful:

We’re weaving in a program where kids can participate in our ATS skate camps, free of cost. The program is focused on simplicity - no financial evaluations, no cumbersome paperwork. Skaters or their families only need to express their interest, and we’ll take it from there.

This program is a reflection of what a decade of community support and engagement at ATS has built. It's about taking the existing camaraderie and the shared passion for skateboarding a notch higher, ensuring the ramps of ATS continue to be a place for growth, learning, and empowerment.

Program Basics:

  • No Financial Evaluations

  • No Cumbersome Paperwork

  • Express Interest and we'll take it from there 

Learn More
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ATS by the Numbers


Skate camp Participants


Fundraising Events


Local Partnerships


Park renovations and redesigns


Competitions Held


Pros Visited




Custom Skate Deck Designs


of Kickflips Taught
*most recent was a 40 year old dad

Fostering Growth: The ATS Philosophy

ATS transcends being just a collection of ramps and rails. Through skate camps, lessons, and outreach programs, it's a place where young skaters hone their skills, build self-confidence, and forge lasting friendships.

Fueling Progression: From Seattle to Salt Lake City

2022 marked a milestone in the ATS story with the unveiling of a second location at evo's Campus Salt Lake. This 5,000 square-foot indoor/outdoor park is designed to facilitate progression across all skill levels, reflecting ATS's philosophy of fostering growth.

Community at its Core: The Inception of ATS

The inception of ATS was a community-driven effort. Back in 2013, evo appealed to the community to help raise funds for the park through a successful crowdfunding campaign. The effort garnered the support of over 139 individual contributors and surpassed the initial fundraising goal by a significant margin.

Ten Years of Individual Expression

A decade's worth of limited edition ATS decks will be on display at evo Seattle.


Here's to a future that's 10x brighter and communities that become 10x stronger through collective action. You can join this journey by donating, buying ATS gear, attending our November event, or simply spreading the word. We're eager to see how ATS will evolve in the next decade, including potential expansions to new communities.

Can't make it to our Seattle or Salt Lake City Skateparks?

Learn Online for Free

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