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Triple 8 The Certfied Sweatsaver Skateboard Helmet

sku# 133500
Triple 8 - The Certfied Sweatsaver Skateboard HelmetTriple 8 - The Certfied Sweatsaver Skateboard HelmetTriple 8 - The Certfied Sweatsaver Skateboard HelmetTriple 8 - The Certfied Sweatsaver Skateboard HelmetProduct image 52
Triple 8 - The Certfied Sweatsaver Skateboard HelmetTriple 8 - The Certfied Sweatsaver Skateboard HelmetTriple 8 - The Certfied Sweatsaver Skateboard HelmetTriple 8 - The Certfied Sweatsaver Skateboard Helmet
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The The Certfied Sweatsaver Skateboard Helmet is on sale!
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25% Off Helmets or Pads with the Purchase of a Longboard, Cruiser, or Skateboard Complete.
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Product Info

Some helmets are clunky and quite frankly not very comfortable to wear. The Triple 8 The Certified Sweatsaver Skateboard Helmet, on the other hand, is akin to that super comfy FlexFit ball cap you had in back middle school. A plush Sweatsaver Liner is made up of softer dual density foam and comes in two sizes so you can customize your fit and keep your brow dry on those hot summer days.

Product Details


EPS Foam

Thick Dual Density Foam

Plush Sweatsaver Fabric


Comes with 2nd set of Sweatsaver Liners in different size so you can customize fit.

Additional Features

Sweatsaver™ LinerMoisture-wicking layers that limit sweat drippage, an anti-bacterial treatment to make it virtually stink proof, and a 360° wrap around design so that there is absolutely no liner separation

Liners can be removed and washed.


Dual CertifiedComplies with US CPSC Bike and ASTM Skate safety standards.


  • Material: EPS
  • Helmet Style: Half Shell
  • Helmet Venting: Fixed Venting
  • Audio: Not Included
  • Removable Ear Pads: No
  • MIPS: No
  • Warranty: 180 Days More 

Other Notes

Triple 8 products can only be shipped within the United States and Canada



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