Wilderness First Aid
Manage risk through pre trip planning and preventative techniques: communications, 1st Aid Kits, sports nutrition and hydration, rider and equipment checklists, trip itineraries.
Assess and treat life threatening emergencies: Airway management, hemorrhage control, CPR, shock, and stabilization.
Practice common trauma techniques: Wound and fracture management, head injuries, neck and spine injury, blunt trauma, burns, dental and eye trauma.
Develop important judgment skills for the assessment and evacuation of medical and environmental emergencies in the backcountry: heat and cold emergencies, animal bites and stings, lightning and adverse weather, search and rescue basics, cardiac and respiratory emergencies, diabetes, seizures, anaphylaxis.
Wilderness First Responder
Our guides train you how to prevent, manage, and treat a range of common emergencies that you may encounter in the backcountry. This course combines online self-paced precourse work with a highly immersive skills training in the backcountry in the Snoqualmie National Forest. You must complete the online learning portion within 30 days of the in-person skills training and assessment at Mt. Baker.
This combination of focused learning and practical experience provides you with the conceptual knowledge and hands-on skills to face common emergencies that you may experience while exploring the wilderness. Expect to work hard, get out in nature, make new connections with other like minded people, and learn a ton about wilderness medicine.