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Full Tilt Hot Dogger (Tom Wallisch) Ski Boots 2011: Tom spends more time in his ski boots than we spend in our shoes, doing more acrobatics on skis than we can do… in our shoes on a trampoline into a foam pit in our dreams. In summary, from competition podiums to award winning video segments, the Full Tilt Hot Dogger (Tom Wallisch) Ski Boot is his high performance freestyle boot of choice, now with a look that’s 100% Tom.
Plastic Ratchet Buckles make the boot light weight and give you easy on the fly adjustment.
The Full Tilt Hot Dogger Ski Boots come with the Pro Liner which is their highest performing Body Heat Activated custom liner.
Cable covers keep cables organized in street shoe Tom style.
The cuff is fully padded and includes the Active Bootboard but allows you to maintain the natural ankle flex and stance.
Flex Rating: 6 (1 Softest – 10 Stiffest)
The medium #6 flex tongues allow for shock absorption and nasty nose presses.